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You already started your business career and have gained invaluable experience on the job. 你不想暂停你的事业, 但是你也知道学士学位可以打开晋升的大门, 改变职业, 或者在蓬勃发展的行业中创造新的就业机会. 那么如何做到两者兼得呢? 从长远来看,它真的有回报吗?

十大正规赌博平台大全排行来看看商学学位到底是什么, 要付出什么才能赢得它, 为什么它对你的职业生涯有益. 


当有人提到“商业学位”时,’ they are usually talking about a bachelor’s degree that provides foundational knowledge across all business functions—like degrees in business administration, 企业管理, 或者管理和领导. 这是一个简略的说法,说明了这些项目的广泛重点. Other degrees in business are specialized in a single area—from accounting and finance to marketing and human resources.



虽然这些都是严格意义上的商科学位 工商管理学士学位 是最全面、最灵活的项目吗. 因为这些以及更多的原因, a business degree is a great fit for working professionals in any industry looking to advance their careers.


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获得商业学位是对时间、精力和金钱的投资. Let’s break down what you can expect to dedicate in order to get your business degree.


时间: 获得商学学位所需的时间差异很大. 在学时方面, you will need to earn 124 credit hours to get your 工商管理学士学位. 对于传统的学生来说,这通常是一个四年的学位. 对于一个工作的专业人士, time to graduation depends heavily on things like transfer credit and course load. Do your research and find a business degree program that can maximize your previous education and experience to help you get your degree faster.

能源: 获得学位不仅仅是一个时间的承诺. 要想成功, you have to make your degree a priority—which means adjusting your professional and personal life to make space for your education. 尤其是在网上上课的时候, you need to create your own structure and schedule to empower your success. 

财务状况: 商学学位的学费差别很大. 学费价格会让人感到震惊, 但通常广告上的价格并不是你实际支付的价格. 大多数在线大学按学时收费, 所以如果你是用信用转账, 它可以显著降低你的成本. You should also look into financial aid to see if you can get support in paying for your degree. 一旦你对你的成本有了一个坚实的了解, 确保你有能力支付你的学位. 记住, 学位是一项终生的投资, 对大多数人来说, 从长远来看,这不仅仅是物有所值.


If you’re researching going back to school to get your business degree you will see a lot of conflicting information. 其中一些文章提出了相当大的主张,但他们如何支持呢? 你如何区分事实和虚构?

十大正规赌博平台大全排行问博士. 道格•罗斯, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行商业系的首席教员, 澄清一些关于获得商业学位的最常见的误解.

Myth #1: I can supplement my professional experience with certificates and get the same value as a bachelor’s degree.

事实: “A bachelor’s degree provides both immediate and lifetime value that is unmatched by lower-level credentials,博士说。. 罗斯. “当你看到学士学位持有者的终身收入与大学毕业生相比. someone with a high school diploma, a bachelor’s degree holder earns over $1 million dollars more. A bachelor’s degree can also be leveraged for a near-term pay raise that will outrival a certificate.”

Myth #2: There aren’t enough job opportunities for graduates of business programs.

事实: “I hear this a lot—claims that business graduates are unemployed or underemployed. I think many of these claims are based on a narrow view of what you can do with a business degree,博士说。. 罗斯. “It really is one of the most flexible degrees that can be applied in every industry. 无论你是否在石油和天然气行业工作, 技术, 医疗保健, 或者其他行业, 需要商科毕业生. If you’re only looking for job titles like ‘Business Manager,’ you’re limiting your options too much.”

神话# 3:Business is too general of a degree—it’s not as valuable as a specialized degree.

事实: “This is another myth that’s taken hold in the wake of an influx of specialized degrees. A business degree is general—but that’s a strength not a weakness,博士说。. 罗斯. “Businesses need people who can understand every function of a business and the impact they have on one another. A business degree gives you that holistic perspective and fuels collaboration within organizations. It also provides individuals flexibility throughout their career to transition between roles and business functions. If you’re looking for more in-depth knowledge in a particular area of interest, 看看那些提供该专业辅修课程的商业学位.”

谬论# 4:I have my associate’s degree and don’t want to start all over to get my bachelor’s degree in business.

事实: “No one wants to start from scratch if they already have a degree,博士说。. 罗斯.  “And if you’re going back to school to get your business degree, you shouldn’t have to. Look for a program that will help you maximize the credits you’ve already earned and seamlessly transfer those toward your bachelor’s degree. 在十大正规赌博平台大全排行, we help individuals with associate’s degrees transfer up to 94 credit hours into our bachelor’s program, 帮助他们更快拿到商学学位.”

值得吗?? 这个选择取决于你的职业抱负 

If you are a working professional who wants to advance your career in business, 商学学位可以改变游戏规则. 商学学位可以增加就业前景, 创造晋升机会, 提高你的工资和终身收入. 无论是现在还是将来,这对你的职业生涯都是一笔有价值的投资. 你只需要找到适合你的商业学位项目.

十大正规赌博平台大全排行B级.S. 工商管理硕士课程 专注于给你最前沿的东西, 从第一天起,现实世界的技能就会对你的职业生涯产生影响. We’ll work with you one-on-one to maximize transfer credit and make it faster and more affordable to get your business degree. Explore everything the program has to offer to determine if it will help you reach your goals.

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